How to start livestock farming in Nigeria

One of the richest and largest industries in Agribusiness is Livestock farming business. Startinga profitable livestock farming business in Nigeria is a pretty decision one can make to earn a living. The livestock farming industry has already markets and thereby, making it gold-mine for individual who loves to venture into raising of animals. The industry is emerging as one of the best ways tocreate wealth to replace theold oil export.
  Introduction To Livestock Farming Business
In general tone, Livestock farming business which also known as animal husbandry is the rearing or keeping animals for food purposes and human consumption. But in business,it can be defined as the farm animals that are raised to generate a profit.Animal husbandryis a fast growing business as more entrepreneurs are venturing into it for its profitability.

Why Livestock Farming Business
Apart from its profitability if planned and done well, livestock farming serves as one of the two major sources of foods for man; andas long as humans exist, there will always be market to sell your farm animals.Livestock farming not only providing people with food, income,traction and fertilizer but also act ascatalysts that transform subsistencefarming into income-generating enterprises,  and by that creating more job opportunities and developing the  market economy.

Basic Needs Of Livestock Farming Business In Nigeria

Capital:Capital is one of the most important factors of production known to man. Capital is needed to set up an animal production and processing farm and capital is needed to sustain productivity. Either you getting started on a smallscale or go in large scale of animal production, you will need capital.

Land:No agribusiness done on papers. Based on your target and area of focus in livestock farming, you will need land to set up your farm house. At times, it might be an acre of land, plots of land or just your backyard; you just need land. Either buy or rent.

Get Trained:There’s nothing more important in this line of business than to have a quality education about what you’re about to start. For you to be successful in livestock farming, you must be thirsty for knowledge and information. Since you can never have or know all the trade secrets at the very beginning, it is always advisable to have genuine training on animal husbandry before you push money into it.There is always a constant development and business information on how to make livestock farming more profitable and better and a livestock farmer worth his salt will seek to learn the latest techniques and methods.

Get A Well Written Business Plan:If growing and be successful is your business objective, identify activitiesthat maximize the return on your investments, you must take time to plan your implementation strategy. A well written business plan is your business road-map; your blueprint to know what works.Writing a business plan is not hard, as you can source for professional business plan writers out there. Most livestock farmers failed due to the lack of proper and well written business plan.

Below are some profitable animals to raise and earn money 

Poultry Farming

In poultry farming, three types of chicken are raised. These types of chicken are:

#Broiler: a type of chicken reared purposelyfor meat; it’s also called Table Bird
#Layer: a type of chicken reared purposely for laying eggs that aren’t fertile hence can’t be incubated to produce chicks (young chickens)
#Cockerel: a young male chicken that hasn’t been castrated (usually between 4 to 12 months old)

Advantages of Poultry Farming
*.High demand for poultry products (meat, feathers and eggs)
*.They are very resilient and adapt well to varying weather conditions

Disadvantages of Poultry Farming
*.Disposing of poultry waste can be an issue
*.Large spaces are needed to rear them effectively
*.They are very noisy animals*.It is capital intensive
*.Requires skilled labour

Goat and Sheep Farming

Sheep and goat belong to the class of small ruminant animals.

Advantages of Goat and Sheep Farming
*.High market demand for their meat, skinand wool
*.They are very resilient animals—they rarely fall ill
*.They are very cheap to manage, especially in feeding

Disadvantages of Goat and Sheep Farming
*.Elaborate housing structure is needed tokeep them safe from pest and from wandering off
*.They require large land for grazing

Cattle Farming

Cattle belong to the class of large ruminant animals. There are four types of cattle that can be reared on a farm:
Beef type: These are characterized by the great depth and width of their body i.e. the meat-carrying part of their frame is well developed into a blocky conformation. They are capable of converting a large quantity of easily obtained fodder. They are reared on the farm for meat production.
Dairy type: These type of cattle are characterized by a well formed udder (i.e. with width and depth extending forward) and with a well-developed milk vein. They are reared on the farm for milk production
Dual purpose type: These are intermediate between dairy and beef types in conformation and production
Work of Draft type: These types of cattle have great length, free moving limbs, sound feet as well as a quiet temperamentand submission to discipline. They are raised for performing tasks on the farm.

Advantages of Cattle Farming
*.They produce many valuable products and industry raw materials (meat, skin, hide, hoofs etc.)
Disadvantages of Cattle Farming
*.They produce a lot of waste products and pollution
*.They eat up a lot of vegetation
*.Proper feed management of cattle is expensive

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